Josh Matheson - Week 9; First AP Lang Essay
Last week, we had our first in class timed essay and let's just say it did not go according to plan. Going into the first essay, I was focused on completing the essay within the 40 minutes and have a great thesis, that can be backed up with enough evidence. The essay was both a success and a fail, as I finished in time which was one of my concerns, but I did not get specific enough and tie enough evidence back to my thesis. I realized that even though I had the evidence the most important thing to explain is why the speaker uses that choice. This generally is what destroyed me because I had the evidence, but did not get specific enough and just left everything vague. Fortunately, I am confident that next time will be better, since this is my first AP essay and the best way to improve is through practice and experiences. On this essay, I received a 2.5, which is not too good of a score, but at least I will have the revision in order to fix my dumb mistakes that I made under pressure while I was rushing during the short 40 minute class period. I do think that I was graded generously, and I am sure that future essays will be graded more harshly, However, I think I will get the hang of it and improve my essay performances in the future. With the early failures, changes and adjustments need to be made, in order for future success.
Writing under timed circumstances is incredibly difficult and its no wonder you made dumb mistakes because everyone did. Being put under the pressure of a timer makes it much harder to write effectively. I can't wait for the revision because I'm sure my grade will go way up.